sprüche für kaffee becher
Ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald wieder, denn seid du diesen Kaffee trinkst hast du schon mindestens zweimal gelächelt.
am 11/07/2020 von
hallo |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Wenn ich mit Ihnen zusammenleben müsste, würde ich Ihnen Gift in den Kaffee mischen!
Und wenn Sie bei mir leben würden, würde ich den Kaffee mit Vorliebe trinken.
am 04/12/2016 von
hallo |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Andere antworten auf die Frage, was ihnen am Wichtigsten ist:
Mein Haus, mein Geld, meine Familie.
Ich antworte: Kaffee!
am 31/07/2020 von
robby |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Der einzige Kollege im Büro, der Milch in seinen Kaffee trinkt.
„Wer hat schon wieder die letzte Milch aus dem Kühlschrank genommen?“
Konter: „Spiegel hängen auf den Toiletten!“
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
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Heute schon gelächelt? - Trinke einen Schluck von diesem köstlichen Kaffee und dein Herz wird vor Freude einen Hüpfer machen.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Ich muss echt über dich lachen. Das hast du gesagt. Das glaubst du? Das tut mir irgendwie leid für dich, dass du eine so schlecht Meinung hast. Sollen wir mal zusammen einen Kaffee trinken? Dann kannst du mich besser kennenlernen.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
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