typische dumme kindersprüche und gute konter antworten
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Der Kluge fragt, der Dumme weiß schon alles.
Deutsches Sprichwort
am 28/06/2024 von
Karan |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Der Kluge lernt aus seinen Fehlern, der Dumme wiederholt sie.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Als Bild
Es gibt keine dummen Fragen, nur dumme Menschen.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Weisheit manifestiert sich nicht als Besitz aller Antworten, sondern als klares Bewusstsein für die essentiellen Fragen, die den Geist beflügeln.
am 12/07/2024 von
Chong |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Als Bild
Dumme Mädels sollten in einer Ecke verschwinden, ich such Dir eine.
Falls wegen der Optik / des Aussehens beleidigt wird
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Wer ernsthafte Antworten auf seine Fragen erwartet, muss zuvor lernen, die richtigen Fragen zu stellen.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Willst Du wissen wie man dumme Kinder macht, dann frag Deinen Vater
Äh, wir haben nicht den gleichen Vater!
am 17/01/2018 von
hallo |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Andere antworten auf die Frage, was ihnen am Wichtigsten ist:
Mein Haus, mein Geld, meine Familie.
Ich antworte: Kaffee!
am 31/07/2020 von
robby |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
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Der Henker besucht das Altersheim und fragt:
„Seid ihr alle da?“
„Ja“, antworten die Pensionäre.
Darauf der Henker: „Aber nicht mehr lange!“
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Dumme Jungs, die mit ihrer Geltungssucht Mädels blöd anquatschen - diese braucht die Welt wirklich nicht. Was machen wir jetzt nur mit Dir?
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
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