Türkische Sprüche
Jedes Land hat seine eigene Kultur, eigene Sitten und Bräuche. In islamisch geprägten Ländern, wie der Türkei, gibt es daher auch alltägliche Sprüche und Weisheiten, welche in Europa niemand kennt.
Die Vielfalt ist unerschöpflich und gibt zugleich einen guten Einblick in die Lebensweise und Traditionen des Landes
. Heilige Tiere und Geschöpfe kommen darin genauso vor, wie Sachen aus dem alltäglichen Leben und überbrachte Sagen der Vorfahren.
Iss und trink mit einem Freund, aber mache keine Geschäfte mit ihm.
Yiyin ve bir arkadaşı ile içki, ama onunla iş yapmam.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Heimat ist, wo man satt wird, nicht dort, wo man geboren wurde.
Ev tam nerede almak değil, nerede doğdunuz.
am 16/11/2014 von
Blade |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
So wie die Welt vergänglich ist, neigt sich jeder Tag dem Abend.
Dünya geçici olduğu gibi, her gün akşam eğilimindedir.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Einen Besitz kann man finden, das Leben nicht.
Bir özellik, hayat değil bulunabilir.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Wahre Freunde und Gesundheit erkennt man erst, wenn man sie verloren hat.
Bir kaybettiği zaman gerçek dost ve sağlığı, sadece görülebilir.
am 16/11/2014 von
Blade |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Der Verstand eines Menschen wird nach seiner Zunge gemessen.
Bir adamın zihin diliyle ölçülür.
am 16/11/2014 von
Chong |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Ehre deine Frau und tu ihr nichts Böses. Sie könnte dich mit gutem Essen vergiften.
Karını onur ve ona zarar vermez. Sen iyi gıda ile zehirlemeye başladı.
am 16/11/2014 von
Chong |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Ein Baum mit Früchten wird oft mit Steinen beworfen.
Meyve ile bir ağaç genellikle taşlandı edilir.
am 16/11/2014 von
Chong |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Nichtwissen ist keine Schande, es nicht zu erlernen ist eine Schande.
Cehalet ayıp değil öğrenmek ayıp değil.
am 16/11/2014 von
Blade |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
Wahre Freundschaft beweist sich an den schweren Tagen.
Gerçek Dostluk zor günlerde kendini kanıtlıyor.
am 16/11/2014 von
Chong |
Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook – see i.
not connected to FacebookTwo clicks for more privacy: The Pin it button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Pinterest – see i.
not connected to PinterestShare via facebook.
Two clicks for more privacy: The Google+ button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Google – see i.
not connected to Google+
Als Bild
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